I am respectful, honest, responsible. I am a Hawk! |
"In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight..."
"B-A-N-A-N-A-S...go bananas! Go, go bananas (for books)!"
Thank you...
Melanie Williamson, Teresa Johnson and Wendy Lacombe for your leadership in the implementation of our monthly Figrove Family Outreach Nights at Hidden Glen. We are so excited to see our first one come to fruition this week!
Karen Gonderman for taking on a big role to help out during our first Firgrove Family Outreach Night
First Grade Team, Kim and Amanda for your consistent support over the years, come rain or shine, at the parent loop to keep our students safe and going with the right family member.
Reminders of the Week:
When turning in fundraiser envelopes with money, please make sure you are handing it to one of the office staff so it can be properly put away/secured.
Grade Level Teams: Please read and act on the email regarding Living the Creed Assembly.
Grades 3-6 Teachers: Have you started making IXL Math available to your students? If not, come to the Monday Tech Madness and Almai can help you get set-up.
This week:
10/17 Mon. - Happy birthday, Joy O!
- Monday Tech Madness, 3-3:20, Focus: DIBELS Reports you can use for class or individual student goal-setting AND parent conferences
- Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym
10/18 Tues. - Staff Meeting, 3-4, Library
- PTA Skate Night, 6-8 PM
10/19 Wed. - EC/SS LIC
- "Pista Sa Firgrove" Staff Potluck to commemorate this month's Filipino American History Month, 12:00, staff room; Background Information: October is Filipino American History Month as proclaimed by the House Resolution No. 2011-4639 adopted in March 16, 2011 by the House of Representatives to commemorate the 424th anniversary of the presense of Filipinos in the United States. The earliest documented proof of Filipino presence in the United States dates back to October 18, 1587 in Morro Bay, California. A copy of the House Resolution has been posted on the staff board in the staff room.
- Zumba, 3:00-4:00, gym
10/20 Thurs. - Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym
- Firgrove Family Outreach Night at Hidden Glen. The theme is "Math Night." Agenda is as follows:
5:30 - 6:00 Set up
6:00 - 6:30 Dinner
6:30 - 7:10 Math games
7:10 - 7:15 Clean up
7:15 - 7:30 Story time
10/21 Fri. - PTA Fall Fundraiser envelopes due
- Zumba, 3:15-4:15, gym
Coming up:
10/24 Mon. - Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym
10/25 Tues. - Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym
10/26 Wed. - IP LIC
- Zumba, 3:00-4:00, gym
10/27 Thurs. - Living the Creed Awards Assembly; Pending format to be chosen by Oct. 19th: if separate assembly - 9:00 Intermediate; 10:00 Primary, if combined - 1:00-2:00 with recess of K-3 at 2:00-2:30, gym
- Grades 3-5 Bridges Collaboration Opportunity, 4-7, Wildwood Gym, clock hours, sign-up through this link: https://staffdev.puyallup.k12.wa.us/StaffDev/class_info.php?CID=4070
- Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym
10/28 - Zumba, 3:15-4:15, gym
10/28-11/4 - PTA Fall Book Fair
Other BIG Events to Note in Calendar/Planbook:
11/3 Thurs. - Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences
11/10 Thurs. - Firgrove Literacy Night "Bananas for Books" Theme - stay tune for more information from the Literacy Team