WE are committed to continue to strive to be better at practicing the Seven Culturally Responsive Classroom Principles, hence:

- We affirm our students in their cultural connections.
- We strive to be personally inviting.
- We provide learning environments that are physically and culturally inviting.
- We reinforce all students for academic development.
- We make instructional changes to honor and accommodate the differences in all our students.
- We manage our classrooms with firm, consistent yet loving control.
- We model and provide interaction opportunities that stress both collectivity as well as individuality.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Hawks are B-A-N-A-N-A-S for B-O-O-K-S!

I am respectful, honest, responsible. I am a Hawk!
"In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight..."
"B-A-N-A-N-A-S...go bananas! Go, go bananas (for books)!"

Thank you, World's #1 Staff--yes, that would be the Firgrove Staff (insert memory of Lisa and Almai's cheer routine here):
- for your patience as our breakfast and lunch serving lines become more efficient especially given the fact that our entire kitchen staff is new this year. They're new to our building and new to the systems they're using.
- for your consistency in using common language to make "Living the Creed" alive in your classroom management, routines, expectations.

Reminders/Tasks of the Week:
Please help the breakfast and lunch lines by: 1. Reminding the students to give their last names to the cashier; 2. Making sure the students are in Alpha/ABC order when buying lunch

We also need your help in the morning to make sure students who are getting breakfasts are going straight to the gym instead of hanging around the hallways or going in the classrooms first. This can be done by doing a quick "sweep" of the hallway or your classroom to make sure that students who are having breakfast report to the gym as soon as they are on campus. Thank you so much for your help in this area.

This week:
Belated happy birthday, Jessy (9th)!

10/10 Mon. - Monday Tech Madness, library, 3:00-3:20, Focus this week: Use of Excel to track learning standards; create small groups; plan for large and small group lessons. If you haven't used this feature of Excel, come and you'll love it! Bring your laptop. This session can also be used for DIBELS Data Management follow-up from last Wednesday's LIC session.
- Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym

10/11 Tues. - Happy birthday, Sheri P.
- PTA Boxtop Breakfast, 7:45-8:25 AM, gym
- Health Screening for Grades K, 1,2,3, 5 in Portables 38 and 39. If raining, please have students wear their coat. They may need to wait for their turn on the Portable ramps. Thank you.
- Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym

10/12 Wed. - CT LIC
- PTA General Membership and Movie Night (Rio), 6:30 PM
- Zumba, 3:00-4:00, gym

10/13 Thurs. - Lisa and Almai at Elementary Principals Meeting then with CAO, 8:30-12:30, ESC Evergreen
- Individual Student Pictures, gym
- CSIP, 3-4, Library
- Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym

10/14 Fri. - Zumba, 3:15-4:15, gym

PTA Fundraiser Action Item and Information:
To balance maximizing student motivation to do well with fundraising and having the least disruption to the instructional day, please send students who bring in the 10-Item Coupon to the office at 2:30 daily to claim their fuzzy snake prize.

At the assembly, it was mentioned that fundraising envelopes/monies are due October 18th but the flier that parents received indicated October 21st. We brought the discrepancy to PTA's attention and will keep staff posted on how PTA will want to reconcile that discrepancy.

Student Activities Starting This Week: The Student Activities starting this week are the 3rd/4th and 5th/6th Fir-Groove Crews. The 3rd/4th Crew meets during their 12:00 recess in the gym on Thursdays and Fridays with Mrs. Vail and/or Mrs. Idler while the 5th/6th Crew meets during their 12:30 recess in the gym on Tuesdays and Fridays with Mrs. Ellis and/or Mrs. Idler.

Did You Know:
October is Filipino American History Month as proclaimed by the House Resolution No. 2011-4639 adopted in March 16, 2011 by the House of Representatives to commemorate the 424th anniversary of the presense of Filipinos in the United States. The earliest documented proof of Filipino presence in the United States dates back to October 18, 1587 in Morro Bay, California. A copy of the House Resolution has been posted on the staff board in the staff room.

Coming up:
10/17 Mon. - Happy birthday, Joy O!
- Monday Tech Madness, 3-3:20, Focus: Let Almai know what you need.
- Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym

10/18 Tues. - Staff Meeting, 3-4, Library
- PTA Skate Night, 6-8 PM

10/19 Wed. - EC/SS LIC
- Staff Monthly Theme Luncheon, 12:00, staff room
- Zumba, 3:00-4:00, gym

10/20 Thurs. - Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym

10/21 Fri. - PTA Fall Fundraiser envelopes due
- Zumba, 3:15-4:15, gym

10/24 Mon. - Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym

10/25 Tues. - Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym

10/26 Wed. - IP LIC
- Zumba, 3:00-4:00, gym

10/27 Thurs. - Grades 3-5 Bridges Collaboration Opportunity, 4-7, Wildwood Gym, clock hours, sign-up through this link: https://staffdev.puyallup.k12.wa.us/StaffDev/class_info.php?CID=4070
- Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym

10/28 - Living the Creed Awards Assembly; 9:00 Intermediate; 10:00 Primary, gym
- Zumba, 3:15-4:15, gym

10/28-11/4 - PTA Fall Book Fair

Other BIG Events to Note in Calendar/Planbook:
11/3 Thurs. - Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences
11/10 Thurs. - Firgrove Literacy Night "Bananas for Books" Theme - stay tune for more information from the Literacy Team