I am respectful, honest, responsible.
I am a Hawk! |
We are a Kettle of Grateful Hawks!
Thank you...
...the leadership of the Literacy Team for such a successful Reading Night last Thursday. That was definitely one of the highest attended events we have had outside of open house.
...some of you who have followed through with entering progress monitoring data in the DIBELS Data Management System. Let Almai know if you run into challenges or if you have any questions about reports that can be used with students and parents.
...some of the grades 3 through 6 teachers who have started and continue to provide math practice opportunities through IXL Math.
Reminders of the Week:
Remember to consult the Grades K-5 support email and attached document that John Parker sent last Thursday regarding standards that need to be reported to parents in the report card.
As we come to another long break, please be proactive in behavior management both before and after each break. Some of our students who may be worried about not being in the only secure, consistent place for them may exhibit their stress by acting out.
Remember that Living the Creed Awards Assembly is this Friday. Please make sure certificates are ready and parents of the awardees are notified. Review assembly behavior expectations with students.
The next Living the Creed Awards Assembly is December 16, so plan parent notification accordingly.
This week:
11/14 Mon. Monday Tech Madness, 3-3:20, Library; Focus: SMARTBOARD features
- Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym
- Singing Hawks and Pan Hawks Concert, 6:30-8:30, Gym
11/15 Tues. - Staff Meeting, 3-4, Library
- Zumba, 4:00-5:00, gym
- Adult ELL Classes, 6-7:30, P38
11/16 Wed. - Evaluation/Conference LIC
- TAC ready for teachers to input report card information
- Thanksgiving-Themed Staff Luncheon, 12:00, Staff Room
- Zumba, 3:00-4:00, gym
11/17 Thurs. - Almai at Required Student Services Meeting, 8-10, ESC
- Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym
- Adult ELL Classes, 6-7:30, P38
11/18 Fri. - Living the Creed Awards Assembly; 9:00 Intermediate, 10:00 Primary
- CAO Amy Evesckige and Deputy Supt. Debra Aungst visiting
- Zumba, 3:15-4:15, gym
- Pizza with Pop, 6:00-7:00, Gym
11/19 Sat. - Happy birthday, Karen!
From Student Learning - January 27 Math Supplemental Day
Our distict is working collaboratively with the Math Cadre to bring an effective and meaningful professional development to all teachers on January 27th. This day-long event will be held on the campuses of Glacier View JH and Emerald Ridge HS. Teachers will be working together in K-2, 3-5 or Title/LAP/Resource groups. Keynotes and break-out sessions are being planned. This is a required training for elementary teachers. Specialists work time are still pending and details will be communicated out to specialists by Rick Wells, Brian Fox and Vince Pecchia.
From District Communications - Take the Opportunity to have an input for the Superintendent Search by Completing a Survey:
The community is invited to complete an online survey that will be used to help develop a leadership profile to guide the school board in its search for a new superintendent.
The deadline for completing the Superintendent Search Leadership Profile Survey is Saturday, December 10. Click here to take the survey:
The leadership profile and selection criteria developed at the outset of the search become the guiding documents in evaluating candidates and making the final selection.
The survey asks participants to respond to questions using a rating system, with 1 being "Not Important" and 4 being "Extremely Important," as well as by providing extended responses to questions.
The survey is one of several ways the community will be involved in providing input in the selection for a new superintendent. Tony Apostle, who was hired as superintendent in 2004, has announced he will retire in June 2012.
Coming up:
While report cards are not due to Lisa or Almai until the 28th, feel free to let them know if yours are done before the 28th.
11/21 Mon. Monday Tech Madness, 3-3:20, Library; Focus: SMARTBOARD features
- Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym
11/22 Tues. - Individual Student Picture Retake
- Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym
- Adult ELL Classes, 6-7:30, P32
11/23 Wed. - Planning Time Make-up LIC
- Zumba, 12:15-1:15, gym
11/24 Thurs. - No School/Thanksgiving Break; Happy birthday, Nancy W!
11/25 Fri. - No School/Thanksgiving Break
11/28 Mon. - Report cards due to Lisa or Almai
- Monday Tech Madness, 3-3:20, Library; Focus: SMARTBOARD features
- Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym
11/29 Tues. - Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym
- Adult ELL Classes, 6-7:30, P32
11/30 Wed. - Individual Planning LIC
- Zumba, 3:00-4:00, gym
12/1 Thurs. - Lisa and Almai at PSD Annual Administrators' Waffle Breakfast with School Board, 7:30-9:30, downtown
- Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym
- Adult ELL Classes, 6-7:30, P32
12/2 Fri. - Report cards sent home with students
- Zumba, 3:15-4:15, gym
12/5 Mon. - Monday Tech Madness, 3-3:20, Library; Focus: SMARTBOARD features
- Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym
12/6 Tues. - Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym
- Adult ELL Classes, 6-7:30, P32
12/7 Wed. - Principal-Directed LIC
- Zumba, 3:00-4:00, gym
12/8 Thurs. - Lisa and Almai at Puyallup Elementary Principals' Meeting then to Region II Meeting, 8:30-11:30, ESC
- CSIP, 3:00-4:00, Library
- Zumba, 4:00-5:00, gym
- Adult ELL Classes, 6-7:30, P32
12/9 Fri. - Zumba, 3:15-4:15, gym
12/12 Mon. - Monday Tech Madness, 3-3:20, Library; Focus: SMARTBOARD features
- Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym
12/13 Tues. - Safety Meeting, 7:40-8:10, Conference Room
- Staff Meeting, 3:00-4:00, Library
- Grades K-2 Bridges Collaboration, 4-7, Firgrove
- Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym
- Adult ELL Classes, 6-7:30, P32
12/14 Wed. - Principal-Directed LIC
- Grades 3-5 Bridges Collaboration, 4-7, Firgrove
- Zumba, 3:00-4:00, gym
12/15 Thurs. - Winter Sing-along - more information to come from Mr. Miller
- Zumba, 4:00-5:00, gym
- Adult ELL Classes, 6-7:30, P32
12/16 Fri. - Living the Creed Awards Assembly; 9:00 Intermediate, 10:00 Primary
- Winter Sing-along Assembly, 2:15, Gym
- Zumba, 3:15-4:15, gym
Other BIG Events to Note in Calendar/Planbook:
12/19-30 - Winter Break
1/18 Wed. - CT LIC: SMART Board Training with Sandra Jacobson at Firgrove
1/27 - Elementary Math Supplemental Day/Required Math Training
2/10 Fri. - Grandparent's Day Lunch
2/21 - Math and Science Night - stay tuned for more information from our Science Coordinator, Karen Gonderman, and the Math/Science Learning Team
Report Cards:
TAC will open for report card processing/teacher input time on
November 16th
Report cards will be sent home with students on
December 2nd
To accommodate the printing, previewing, and stuffing (in envelopes) processes prior to the day report cards are sent home, Lisa and Almai are asking teachers to notify LouAnn of their report cards being preview/print-ready
on or before November 28th, the Monday after Thanksgiving.
Message from Student Learning Regarding Qwizdom (via Nov. 7 email from John Parker, Director of Instructional Leadership, Region II):
Last spring, the district adopted the ReadySet curriculum within the Quizdom software program as a supplemental, standards-based curriculum. This curricula includes Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies instructional materials among others. In our effort to bring this curricula to you, we are in the process of setting up a district install of the Qwizdom Connect software so teachers can access these instructional materials. This process has proved to be challenging as each teacher computer requires updates in order to install Qwizdom Connect and run the program successfully.
While we are establishing this install process,
I would ask that teachers refrain from installing the program on their own and attempting to register through Qwizdom. ITC and the Student Learning department are working hard to get this to each teacher as soon as we can.
Once the process is identified, additional communications via email will be sent to teachers.