Firgrove Elementary Hawk Happenings is a weekly publication for our dedicated and hard-working staff whose mission states, "Together as a community, we will build an educational foundation to help all learners realize their full potential and achieve their hopes and dreams."
WE are committed to continue to strive to be better at practicing the Seven Culturally Responsive Classroom Principles, hence:
- We affirm our students in their cultural connections.
- We strive to be personally inviting.
- We provide learning environments that are physically and culturally inviting.
- We reinforce all students for academic development.
- We make instructional changes to honor and accommodate the differences in all our students.
- We manage our classrooms with firm, consistent yet loving control.
- We model and provide interaction opportunities that stress both collectivity as well as individuality.
- We affirm our students in their cultural connections.
- We strive to be personally inviting.
- We provide learning environments that are physically and culturally inviting.
- We reinforce all students for academic development.
- We make instructional changes to honor and accommodate the differences in all our students.
- We manage our classrooms with firm, consistent yet loving control.
- We model and provide interaction opportunities that stress both collectivity as well as individuality.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Monday is the 170th School Day
Remember to remind our students about Field Day Itinerary and the behavior expectations.
Some of you have students who have lost the privilege of enjoying Field Day and you've communicated this ahead of time to them. You've also communicated it to us and their parents. Thank you for making sure that we are not surprised by a parent inquiry about such consequence.
Staff Room Clean-up Crew (6/6-6/10): Sara M, Angelo, Marlene
Thank you, Salad Club Hosts: Almai, Stephanie, Teena, Jackie (traded with Jim), Teresa
6/6 Mon. - Shepherd's Club (RHS student club), 2:45-4 PM,Gym and Playfield
6/6 Mon. - Co-op Board Meeting, 5 PM, Library; PTA Board Meeting, 7 PM, Library
6/7 Tues. - Staff Meeting, 3-4 PM, Library
6/8 Wed. - Individual Planning LIC; Walking School Bus
6/8 Wed. - School BBQ (see LouAnn's email on 6/6 also noted below)
6/8 Wed. - FAST and Safety Patrol Celebration, 11-11:51, Gym
6/8 Wed. - Char and Almai at Elementary Administrators Meeting and Region 2 Elementary Nuts and Bolts, 8-12, ESC
6/8/ Wed. - Going Away/Retirement Celebration, 12:15-1:15, Library
6/8 Wed. - Firgrove Blood Drive, 12-4, Brick Building Parking Lot (Staff: Please leave the diagonal parking spaces in front of the Brick Building so the Blood Drive van is highly visible to Meridian Traffic. The last blood drive has proven that parking the blood drive van along Meridian allowed for more walk-in donors to come in.)
6/9 Thurs. - Stahl Elementary Band Concert, 7:30-8:30 AM, Stahl Commons
6/9 Thurs. - Math Relay for some intermediate students, 9-12, Sparks Stadium; direct questions to Terry
6/10 Fri. - Field Day
This Wednesday is the School BBQ: Please let your students know that Wednesday, June 8th, is the school BBQ - hamburger, chips, pickle, etc. You can notify them today or tomorrow. There will be no other option. So if a child normally orders lunch but doesn't want the BBQ- they should pack lunch and vice versa- if the normally buy bring a sack lunch but they might want the BBQ.
End of the Year Information: Specific procedures for obseleting and/or surplusing instructional materials will be emailed to you no later than the end of the day Monday. K-5 staff will be compensated for obseleting math materials. You are expected to follow the obsoleting procedures. ALL old math adoptions should be obsoleted (McMillan, Addison-Wesley, etc.). You will be provided with specific boxes for obsoleting materials. All math manipulatives will be kept, NOT obsoleted.
Staff Room Clean-up Crew (6/13-6/17): Jim, Kim M, Sheri P
Thank you, Salad Club Hosts: Jim (traded with Jackie), Marlene, Angelo, Stacy, Kim M
6/13 Mon. - Safety Team Meeting, 7:40 AM, Rm. 24
6/13 Mon. - CSIP Meeting, 3-4 PM, Library
6/13 Mon. - Shepherd's Club (RHS student club), 2:45-4 PM,Gym and Playfield
6/13 Mon. - Co-op Family Picnic, 4-9 PM, Gym
6/13 Mon. - PSD School Board, 6:30 PM, Ballou Commons
6/15 Wed. - Individual Planning LIC; Walking School Bus
6/15 Wed. - Sara Deaver's Baby Shower, 12-1, Library
6/16 Thurs. - Character Trait Assembly (Pride), 9-9:30 Intermediate, 10-10:10 Primary, Gym; Remember to bring your Pride mind map.
6/17 Fri. - Last Day of School for AM and PM Kindergarten (only)
6/17 Fri. - 6th Grade Graduation, 1-2:30, Gym
6/17 Fri. - End-of-Year Firgrove Staff Gathering, 4-?, Tamer Residence; Watch for more information via email or your mailboxes.
6/20 Mon. - Last Day of School for Grades 1-6, no breakfast or lunch, dismissal at 11:31
6/22 Wed. - ONLY for Staff Switching Grade Level - Open Court Training at ESC Pioneer Room ( 8:30-11:30 for Grades 2,3; 12:30-3:30 for Grades 4-6); hourly compensation; sign-up in the district Pro Dev site at