REMINDER OF THE WEEK: Remember to: 1. Sign-up for an item you can bring for the Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon; 2. Publish the changes for May 4th (full day Wednesay) and May 11th (being back to an Early Release day) in your newsletters.
A Special thank you:
- to the Math and Reading Learning Teams and the PTA Spring Book Fair Committee for such a successful Math and Reading Family Night last Thursday. We want to give a very special thank you to Teena VanBlaricom for working non-stop on Thursday to take care of every detail that helped enhance the Math and Reading Family Night experience for all. A number of parents and students took the time to give us positive feedback about the event.
- to all, especially to LouAnn and Melanie W., for one of the most successful Grandparents Day Lunheon we have hosted. It's great to hear "problems" like "we don't have enough chairs" during community outreach events such as this one because those are "happy problems" we can easily address. Again, thank you to all of the staff for the flexibility to make our guests feel especially welcome.
Introducing Another Great On-line Tool: Here is a great vocabulary-building on-line tool. It was a great hit when I launched it last Thursday night as one of the activities that families experienced during Math and Reading Family Night. It is pretty comprehensive, with an ELL component; it allows students to practice on meanings of prefixes and suffixes, root words, antonyms, synonyms, homonyms, syllabication, etc. It is mostly for grades 3-12, but I found that it also has activities for K-2. It can provide both extra practice and enrichment activities. One way I would use this if I was still in the classroom is to first use it as a teaching tool in reviewing concepts and teaching new ones. The link is (it is also one of the links on our blog):
Staff Room Clean-up Crew (4/25-29): Cecilia, Michelle, Claire
Thank you, Salad Club Hosts: Almai, Stephanie, Teena, Jim, Teresa
Kindergarten DIBELS this week except on Wednesday
4/25 Mon. - Safety Team Meeting, 7:40 in Room 24; School Board Meeting, Ballou Commons 6:30 PM - Let's show our support to Cecilia at the Board Meeting while she is being recognized as Elementary Teacher of the Year in our district.
4/25 Mon. - Remember to remind your students who are being brought to their parents's work places this Thursday to bring back the "Take Your Child to Work Day" half-sheet notice and send them to the office
4/27 Wed. - Individual LIC; Walking School Bus
4/27 Wed. - Remember to collect the students' "Take Your Child to Work Day" half-sheet notice and send them to the office.
4/27 Wed. - Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon at 12:15-1:15 in the Gym
4/28 Thurs. - Take Your Child To Work Day (Let Char or Almai know if you're bringing your child to work that day.)
4/28 Thurs. - Incoming Kindergarten Parent-Superintendent Bruncy, 9:30-11, Pioneer Pavilion (Char and Almai will attend)
4/29 Fri.- K-5 Staff should have received placement paperwork that needs to be completed for the May 18th meeting.
Staff Room Clean-up Crew (5/2-6): Kim F, Karen , Christina
Thank you, Salad Club Hosts: Jackie, Marlene, Angelo, Stacy, Kim M.
This is MSP Testing Week for Grades 3-6, and Staff Appreciation Week
5/4 Wed. - Full Day Wednesday - schedule is the same as the other full days with school session being 8:25 - 2:46.
5/4 Wed. - PTA's Muffins with Mom, 7:45-8:15 AM, gym
5/5 Thurs. - PSD Diversity Meeting, ESC, 3:30-5:00
Staff Room Clean-up Crew (5/9-13): Mary, Chrystie, Jennifer H.
Thank you, Salad Club Hosts: Christina, Kim F., Joy, Missy
This is MSP Make-up Week for Grades 3-6.
5/9 Mon. - CSIP Meeting, 3-4, Library; Co-op Board Meeting, 5-6:30 PM Library; School Board Meeting, Ballou JH, 6:30 PM; PTA Board Meeting, 7:00 PM, Library
5/11 Wed. - Collaboration and Teaming LIC; Walking School Bus
5/12 Thurs. - Ethnic Minority Parent Community Council Meeting, 6-7 PM, ESC Pioneer
5/13 Fri. - Rescheduled from 5/6 due to MSP - Character Trait Assembly: Citizenship, 9:00 Intermediate, 10:00 Primary; Remember to bring your mind maps to the assembly
Staff Room Clean-up Crew (5/16-20): Teresa, Wendy J., Jessy
Thank you, Salad Club Hosts: LouAnn, Michelle, Renae, Sara D.
5/17 Tues. - Staff Meeting, 3-4 PM, Library
5/18 Wed. - Evaluation and Conference LIC; Walking School Bus
5/18 Wed. - K-5 Team Release for Placement (detailed email sent by Almai on 4/18; schedule will be sent by LouAnn via email by April 29th) - Please come prepared to the meeting.
5/19 Thurs. - Char and Almai at Building Administrators' Supplemental Cultural Competence Day Training, 9:30-11:00 AM, ESC Pioneer
5/20 Fri. - District SpEd Track Meet, 10-1:30, Sparks Stadium
Staff Room Clean-up Crew (5/23-27): Bobbi, Char, Wendy L.
Thank you, Salad Club Hosts: Terry, Kay, Melanie W., Jennifer A., Wes
Staff Room Clean-up Crew (5/31-6/3): Deb, Almai, Melanie M.
Thank you, Salad Club Hosts (Tuesday): Char, Angie, Megan, Claire, Wendy J.
Revised Post - Please communicate with parents via your newsletters as the office would in our school newsletter that May 4th is a full day (and the 11th as of last week's change is now back to being a half day). The schedule for May 4th will be the same as the other full school days of the week: 8:25-2:46 for students and regular contracted times for staff. AM Kinder will attend in the morning and PM Kinder will attend in the afternoon. The specialist schedule will stay like a normal Wednesday. What does that mean? Only people who have specialist on early release Wednesdays will have specialist on these full day Wednesdays. If you have any question about this, consult with your bargaining unit or your building representatives.
May 27th Snow Make-up Day - Please communicate via your newsletters as the office would in our school newsletter that school will be in session for students on May 27th at 8:25-12:01.
April 28th is Take Your Child To Work Day:
1. Communicate this in your newsletters to parents and ask them to send a note to school if they are planning to take their children to work instead of coming to school that day.
2. If you are planning to bring your own child to work, please let either Char or Almai know.
Firgrove Elementary Hawk Happenings is a weekly publication for our dedicated and hard-working staff whose mission states, "Together as a community, we will build an educational foundation to help all learners realize their full potential and achieve their hopes and dreams."
WE are committed to continue to strive to be better at practicing the Seven Culturally Responsive Classroom Principles, hence:
- We affirm our students in their cultural connections.
- We strive to be personally inviting.
- We provide learning environments that are physically and culturally inviting.
- We reinforce all students for academic development.
- We make instructional changes to honor and accommodate the differences in all our students.
- We manage our classrooms with firm, consistent yet loving control.
- We model and provide interaction opportunities that stress both collectivity as well as individuality.
- We affirm our students in their cultural connections.
- We strive to be personally inviting.
- We provide learning environments that are physically and culturally inviting.
- We reinforce all students for academic development.
- We make instructional changes to honor and accommodate the differences in all our students.
- We manage our classrooms with firm, consistent yet loving control.
- We model and provide interaction opportunities that stress both collectivity as well as individuality.