WE are committed to continue to strive to be better at practicing the Seven Culturally Responsive Classroom Principles, hence:

- We affirm our students in their cultural connections.
- We strive to be personally inviting.
- We provide learning environments that are physically and culturally inviting.
- We reinforce all students for academic development.
- We make instructional changes to honor and accommodate the differences in all our students.
- We manage our classrooms with firm, consistent yet loving control.
- We model and provide interaction opportunities that stress both collectivity as well as individuality.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Grove Welcomes 2012!

I am respectful, honest, responsible.
I am a Hawk!
"The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes." ~Marcel Proust

Reminders of the Week:
Please go over common areas behavior expectations with our students. Remember to also go over emergency drills that we have not done yet such as earthquake and review others such as lockdown.

Please begin scheduling your next round of observations with LouAnn. We would like to get the observations done by March 16th. If you have PGO, please set up your mid-year check-in with LouAnn. The mid-year check-in meeting needs to be done before the end of January.

This week:
1/2 Mon. -  Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym

1/3 Tues. -
- Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym
- Adult ELL Classes, 6-7:30, P32

1/4 Wed. - Principal-directed LIC: 1-1:45 DIBELS/data Entry Time (in the classrooms or in the library if support is needed); 1:45-2:30 Learning Teams in each team's designated meeting location
- Zumba, 3:00-4:00, gym

1/5 Thurs. - Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym
- Adult ELL Classes, 6-7:30, P32

1/6 Fri. - CAO Amy Evesckige and Deputy Superintendent Debra Aungst's Site Visit at Firgrove
- Zumba, 3:15-4:15, gym

1/7 Sat. - Happy birthday, Jennifer K!

Coming up:
1/9 Mon. - Advisory Time - LouAnn will send teachers the schedule. It is the same schedule as the last one. In that same email will be more details about preparation or on what to bring and the forms you can use.
- Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym

1/10 Tues. - Safety Team Meeting, 7:40-8:10, Conference Room
- Advisory Time - LouAnn will send teachers the schedule. It is the same schedule as the last one. In that same email will be more details about preparation or on what to bring and the forms you can use.
- Grade 5 Hosting Firefighters for Fire Awareness and Prevention Unit
- Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym
- Adult ELL Classes, 6-7:30, P32

1/11 Wed. - EC LIC
-  Zumba, 3:00-4:00, gym

1/12 Thurs. - CSIP, 3-4, library
- Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym
- Adult ELL Classes, 6-7:30, P32

1/13 Fri. - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. All School Assembly, 2:15-2:45; Come to the gym prepared to start at 2:15 and prepared for dismissal. No chairs for 6th graders
- Zumba, 3:15-4:15, gym

1/16 Mon. - No School; Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

1/17 Tues. - Grades 1-6 DIBELS, P34
- Staff Meeting, 3-4, library; CAO Amy Evesckige visiting
- Zumba, 4:00-5:00, gym
- Adult ELL Classes, 6-7:30, P32

1/18 Wed. - Grades 1-6 DIBELS, P34
- CT/SS LIC: SMART Board Training with Sandra Jacobson at Firgrove
- Staff Monthly Potluck: Soup and Salad  - sign up for item(s) to bring in the staff room
- Blood Drive - Please remember to leave the parking spots in front of the brick building for the Blood Donor Van.
- Zumba, 3:00-4:00, gym

1/19 Thurs. - Grades 1-6 DIBELS, P34
- Lisa and Almai at APSP, PEP, Region II Nuts and Bolts, 7:30-11:30, ESC
- Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym
- Adult ELL Classes, 6-7:30, P32

1/20 Fri. - Living the Creed Awards Assembly; 9:00 Intermediate, 10:00 Primary
- Zumba, 3:15-4:15, gym

1/23 Mon. - Kindergarten DIBELS
- WICOR Training for Gades 5 and 6, KJH Rm. 109, 3:30-4:30
- Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym

1/24 Tues. - Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym
- Adult ELL Classes, 6-7:30, P32

1/25 Wed. - IP LIC
- Lisa and Almai at K-12 Admin Pro Dev and PSD Administrative Meeting, 1:30-5:00, Mt. View Com. Ctr.
- Zumba, 3:00-4:00, gym

1/26 Thurs. - Almai at required Student Services Meeting, 8:30-10:00, ESC
- Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym
- Adult ELL Classes, 6-7:30, P32

1/27 Fri.  - No school for students; Elementary Math Supplemental Day/Required Math Training for certificated staff - This day-long event will be held on the campuses of Glacier View JH and Emerald Ridge HS. Teachers will be working together in K-2, 3-5 or Title/LAP/Resource groups. Keynotes and break-out sessions are being planned. This is a required training for elementary teachers. PE Specialists will have their time to collaborate together per Rick Well's email in early December. Other specialists will be informed of their job-alike plan, so stay tuned and watch for those emails.

1/30 Mon. - Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym

1/31 Tues. - Zumba, 3:30-4:30, gym
- Adult ELL Classes, 6-7:30, P32

Other BIG Events to Note in Calendar/Planbook:
2/10 Fri. - Grandparent's Day Lunch

2/28 - Math and Science Night - stay tuned for more information from our Science Coordinator, Karen Gonderman, and the Math/Science Learning Team, 5-6 pm, gym and hallways

3/29 - Artstravaganza - stay tuned for more information from the Arts Team